The piano has always been an important part of my life. From the beginning, playing this remarkable instrument has resulted in tremendous enjoyment and satisfaction. Playing by ear, as well as by music, our Baldwin Grand Piano at home had little chance of collecting dust. Performing opportunities began at the early age of 13, allowing me to utilize my musical skills on various instruments at private parties, receptions, and restaurants. To this day, I am requested to play the piano after most tunings, and, of course, I am more than happy to oblige. Quite honestly, I find it hard to resist performing on a freshly tuned piano and giving it a "test run"!
While attending the St. Louis Conservatory of Music, I was given the opportunity to study with Robert B Tipple, master violin maker, violinist in the St. Louis Symphony from 1947-1950, recording & concert violinist with MCM and Columbia Concerts, and craftsman piano technician-tuner.
In 1977, my apprenticeship under Mr. Tipple ended with a piano tuning-technician position at the seven St. Louis Ludwig Aeolean Music Stores, as well as contracting piano services for Baldwin Piano. My responsibilities included servicing new piano inventory (Steinway & Sons, Baldwin, Bosendorfer, Sohmer & Co., Everett, Wurlitzer, Yamaha, and Kimball Pianos), as well as tuning for internationally known pianists. It was also in 1977 that I passed the Piano Technicians Guild Certification Exams and became a Registered Piano Technician (RPT).
After several years of employment in St. Louis, I decided to venture into my own business in Illinois, using my background to prepare me for the challenges and rewards of self-employment. I presently service the majority of pianos located in homes, schools, and churches in both St. Clair and Monroe Counties. This includes all makes and models, new and old. As a present member of CAUT (College and University Technicians), I service all pianos for McKendree University (20). This includes regular maintenance, as well as preparing the pianos for visiting concert performances. The area I cover ranges depending upon the type of service needed. My services offered range from simple tuning & repairing, to reconditioning in St. Clair and Monroe Counties. For more information, or an appointment to service your piano, please call or text 618-971-9595, or email me at